Barbara Boldt – Branding Portrait Photography
Barbara Boldt came to the studio for a branding portrait shoot. She wanted branding content to add to her website, and we were happy to help! We took some shots around the Burroughs building, where our studio is, and they turned out fantastic. Being able to take different shots in various places really optimizes the possibilities of what we can do! Barbara works for Barbara Boldt Global Communications in Farmington where she works with corporate professionals and entrepreneurs on speaking to others in a way that is clear, concise, and meaningful. She coaches her clients in small groups, one-on-one, or virtually. As someone who works with others on presenting themselves professionally and confidently, it was essential to portray Barbara in the same manner. Take a look!

Barbara Boldt’s headshot.

A portrait of Barbara looking confident, friendly, and professional.

A classic shot against a white brick wall.