Phil Bahr Compass Luncheon Event Photography – Livonia, Michigan
Every first Thursday of the month Compass hosts a luncheon for Christians who work in the business industry to come together in Southeast Michigan. It’s a wonderful networking event that offers a place for people to connect and listen to powerful speakers. In the past, Chuck Gaidica spoke at a luncheon.
The last luncheon took place on Thursday, September 6th, and we were there to capture some shots from the event. Phil Bahr, president of the Ashes to Glory Foundation, was introduced as speaker by his son, Scott Bahr. Ashes to Glory is a non-profit organization that gives financial assistance to those who are seeking help for their addiction and would like to try professional Christian therapy. Phil and his wife, Dawn, founded the Ashes to Glory Foundation after rescuing their son from addiction. From this journey, they thought of the idea for Ashes to Glory and have been helping those who struggle with addiction to become clean again.
The scholarships given from Ashes to Glory assist individuals and families in therapy, residential stay for a minimum of 90 days, extended care programs for after release, and individual and family counseling to help rebuild homes that have been broken by addiction.
Next month’s Compass luncheon will be on Thursday, October 4th. We invite you to join us!

Ken McMullen, Chairman of the Western Wayne sector of Compass

Guest speaker, Phil Bahr

Scott Bahr introducing his dad

Networking at the luncheon

Some of the people who came to the luncheon.